Tips To Keep Your Child’s School Supplies Organized

January 09, 2019

Tips to Keep Child’s School Supplies Organized

It’s a fact. Well organized students do better at school. However, schools do not teach their students how to be organized, and for the most part, these skills are not ones your child will acquire on their own. With so many school supplies required throughout the academic year, the clutter can become overwhelming and important papers can get lost. Here are some tips on how you can teach your child, and keep your child organized.


Crumpled papers, broken crayons, a missing permission slip you child swore they never got. These are a few of the things many parents find at the bottom of their child’s backpack. An ideal backpack is sturdy and has many compartments, but the right backpack is only half of the battle.

First, completely empty out the backpack. Open up every pocket and compartment and flip the backpack upside down. Have your child organize their supplies – pens in one pile, highlighters in a pile, post it notes in another pile, etc. Store excess items (does your child really need 3 rulers?) at home. Next, assign each pile to a zippered compartment or pocket in the backpack.

This next part is important – have your child draw their backpack and label where each category goes. They can use this as a reference guide. Help your younger students with this task and make it fun! Every Friday, your child should clear their backpack of used papers, pencil stubs, and other supplies they will no longer use and put all usable items back in their designated places.


Now that the school year has started, it is a good time to see what is being used and not being used at home. Odds are, unless it is a duplicate item, if it is not being used now, it will not be used in the near future and storing or throwing that item away to remove the clutter from your child’s workspace at home will help them stay organized and keep you sane.

Your child’s desk should be a designated homework station with a clean desktop where they can focus and not get distracted by tv or toys. Have a container of pre-sharpened pencils, pens, highlighters neatly organized along with a light source.

Have a designated space for their backpack, whether it is a hook on the wall or in a labeled bin, on the back of their chair or on a shelf. Speaking of shelves, shelves and other storage containers should always be clearly and properly labeled. A bookcase will make it easy for your child to see what they have. Don’t forget to have trays for incoming and outgoing paperwork.

Each child may have different levels or organization skills. Be flexible with how school supplies are stored. The number one key to successful school supply organization is making organization a regular routine.
